Informações da conta
Character created: 2010-01-09 (12 years and 10 months)
Membership purchased: 72 months
Adventure coins purchased total: 1.130.925
Donateds total: 49 (icy naval, zombification set, coin of nulgath 300 extra rare, Oblivion Blade of nulgath (rare), Garth maul set, laser whip, dragon tongue sword/staff, weapons nulgath 2010 (talons, arms, primal dreadsaw single, Focus staff) void of nulgath, and others
Backpack space: 270 slots
Bank space: 296 slots
Buyback: 600+ itens 2014+
Various rares including vot, doomknight naval set, Paragon naval, others naval, pirate captains from 2016 onwards, and many others items